Back to work

July 6, 2008 *

I have a Ravelry account where I keep all my knitting and crocheting projects up to date. When I started my Ravelry page, (about a month or two ago), I had 2 crochet projects in progress, and 2 knitting projects in progress. I am now down to just one because...

I finished my chenille sparkle wave scarf that has no recipient. I'm wondering if I should sell it on consignment to a knit store. I don't want it myself, and I was just so happy to finish it after 6 months, that I don't even want it in my sight anymore to give as a gift to someone I may see wearing it.

It's not to say that it isn't beautiful. It is. I just don't want to be reminded of how much suffering I went through to make it. Chenille does NOT give -- no stretch. Ack! It took too long to work on and it even broke one of my needles in the process because the yarn doesn't give and I needed to knit through the front and the back to increase and there was no slack available.... the yarn broke my knitting needle tip off!

Ok... let's get to the topic at hand. Two days ago, I got a call from one of my clients out-of-the-blue. She was calling to verify that I was coming to see her kitty this week. I said, "umm, I don't have anything on my calendar for him".

She started freaking out, because she realized she had never made plans for her cute boy kitty to have care while she went away for A WEEK this summer. She was in an absolute panic, because I didn't have my book in front of me and didn't know what days I might be available.

It all worked out because I'm not overbooked this week. Thanks to the recession... I've actually only had about 3 clients MAXIMUM a day all summer. (In comparison, last year at the same time, I hadn't had a day off in over a month, and I had a minimum of 4 clients a day, but more likely it was 5 on average. Six clients/day is my maximum -- that's a 12 hour day).

So, to finish up. I have to work more this week than anticipated. I'm off to go take care of her kitty, then I have a consultation with a new client, and finally today, I have a fluids shot to give to a 21-year-old cat.

Have a good work day,

Happy idea for today:

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