All Maxine, All the Time

I'm a little lampshade... ...short and stout preparing for the talent portion of 
Little Miss Krinkle 2001 preparing for Little Miss Krinkle 
2001 making her final evening gown 
selection for Little Miss Krinkle 2001 She's the president of NORML for 
cats asking for a petting
her home for two years before I 
adopted her enjoying freedom the best cat toys are always 
free at Eric's house I was caught off-guard!!! her wooden pillow what is a cat without her sun?
at dad's house she thinks she's a good 
hide-and-seeker... well, I have news for her playing hide and seek again My Little Chicago Bear lapping up the rays do you see a pattern here?
on her way to save the day outside my apartment door I'll get you my pretty.... and
         your little dog too! on the stake-out

New pictures added 8-9-02!

on my former cheerleading pillow Huh? Wha?

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