Intersting email

August 24, 2004 *

The following email exchanges occured because the email-er sent me email in response to a previous entry about Fed-Ex from almost two years ago. The emails are reprinted, as they were originally written. (Read: No editing to see how silly this all is).

Email received July 9

I would like to respond to your trashing of Fed Ex on your site and
would liek you to post it as well..if this is agreeable..then let me
know ..if not your not very fair .

My response July 15

What do you want to say?

Email received July 15

Several things no cursing or anything like u want me to
email you back with it and if I do will u post it

My response July 19

You want to write a post in favor of Fed Ex or what?

Why should I post your words in my journal? Just curious, not mad.


Email received July 19

To be fair thats is fair thats it..simple...I think its
wrong how you classify the company ..espec.. when you did not give
them the proper information, nor did the shipper..the same way you
may feel about possibly how the couirer and everyone else
feels when you give them incomplete , or incorrect
information....they are not paid to be mind readers...or even to
consider if it should go upstairs if the add indicates a specific
add..and then there are even rules on all that .I didnt consider this
until now but maybe you are just a child??? (no offense meant
refering to age)..
its your journal or whatever but you are letting it be seen , and it
is truely possible thier might be laws you are breaking by doing
it..not that I would turn you in but it is something you might want
to consider...
Anyway just be fair ..thats all Im lookin for dont have to be
but the fact that you are even entertaining the thought just sows me
that you are intrested in doing what is fair..
but what do I know....
let me know..

In the end, I think I laughed more at his horrible spelling and everything else wrong with his words than I actually comprehended the first two or so times I read his emails. I can't understand how people can still function with such horrible spelling/typos and still be able to look in the mirror every morning!

I never felt the need to respond again since I figured he was never going to get his point across concisely to make my online time worthwhile. As you can see, these emails are quite old, but I was cleaning up my email again, so -- bye bye! dumb emails. This series made me laugh again, and I thought that it was time to make another entry (since Mom seems to think it needs some updating every year or so... hehe).


Happy idea for today:
stretching muscles in the morning (p. 373)

(From: 14,000 things to be happy about. by Barbara Ann Kipfer)

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